Terms & Conditions of Supply

1. Introduction
1.1 This document sets out the Terms and Conditions by which Bayleaf Cookery School agrees to provide services to You and your Child/ren.
1.2 When You pay for or when Your Child receives a service from Us, You are signifying your agreement to these Terms and Conditions. The current terms can be found on our Website. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with them before you book or purchase any of our services.
1.3 We reserve the right to modify, cancel or append to these Terms and Conditions at any time. The current Terms and Conditions always appear on our Website. On renewal of courses or purchase of any Bayleaf Cookery School services, the most recent Terms and Conditions shall apply.
2. Definitions
Where defined terms appear elsewhere in this document they are capitalised.
2.1 An “Allergy” or “Allergies” is/ are medically diagnosed hyper-sensitivity/s to one or more specific ingredient/s.
2.2 “Enrolment Process” or “Sign-up Process” is the process You have to follow in order to secure a Place for Your Child/ren on a Bayleaf Cookery School cookery Club.
2.3 “Bayleaf Cookery School” is Bayleaf Cookery School LLP.
2.4 “Class” or “Classes” refers to a Session or Sessions which is/ are part of a sequence of Bayleaf Cookery School cookery Club Sessions as specified in the Place Confirmation Email.
2.5 A “Class Leader” is an appointed representative of Bayleaf Cookery School with responsibility for leading Classes
2.6 A “Course” is a sequence of Bayleaf Cookery School Classes or Sessions taking place over a Term as specified in the Place Confirmation Email.
2.7 A “Club” is a Bayleaf Cookery School cookery Course.
2.8 A “Contract” is a legally binding agreement for Us to provide a service and for You to pay for that service.
2.9 A “Credit Note” is a code or token that will be provided to You by Us and can be exchanged for a number of future Sessions equivalent to the number stated in the Credit Note
2.10 “Enrolment Process’ is the process by which You enrol Your Child on a Course
2.11 The “Enrolment Letter” is the letter containing the Link provided by Us to School and sent by School to You by email or in hard copy
2.12 The “Link” is the link to Our Sign-up Page provided to Schools by Us in the Enrolment Letter
2.13 A “Medical Condition” is medically diagnosed disease, lesion, disorder or impairment.
2.14 “Missed Session” or “Missed Class” is a Session or Class, no part of which has been attended by your Child.
2.15 “Notification of Cancellation” is formal Withdrawal from a Course, Class or Session stating pupil name, school name and date from which withdrawal will take place.
2.16 “Payment” is the money owed under the Contract and paid by You to secure a Place
2.17 A “Place” is an allocated slot on a Course for an individual Child that can be secured via the Enrolment Process and notified to You via the Place Confirmation Email.
2.18 “Place Confirmation Email” is the email You will receive confirming that Your Child/ren have a Bayleaf Cookery School cookery Club Place.
2.19 “Replacement Ingredients” are specific alternative ingredients provided by Us in order to allow Your Child to take part in Sessions because they have an Allergy or Medical Condition.
2.20 “School” refers to each individual school where a Course takes place
2.21 “Session” or “Sessions” is/ are a equivalent to a Class or Classes.
2.22 “Sign-Up” is
2.23 “Sign-up Page” or “Enrolment Page” is the page on Our Website where the Sign-up Process can be accessed
2.24 “Term” is a period, notified in the Place Confirmation Email, over which a Course takes place.
2.25 “Terms and Conditions” are the complete contents of this document without exceptions
2.26 “Untaken Sessions” are Sessions in a Term which have not yet taken place.
2.27 “Waiting List” is a list maintained by Us comprising Children who have submitted an Application Form for a Course which was over-subscribed.
2.28 “We”, “Us” or “Our” refers to Bayleaf Cookery School and any of its partners, employees, or subcontractors.
2.29 “Withdrawal” is formal cancellation of a Place by You
2.30 “Website” is the Bayleaf Cookery School Sign-Up website accessed via the Link.
2.31 “You”, “Your” or “Yours” refers to a person or organisation buying services from Us.
2.32 “Your Child/ren” is any child/ren for whom you are applying for a Place via Our Enrolment Process who are therefore deemed to be in your care.
3. Securing a Place on a Bayleaf Cookery Club Course
3.1 You can secure a place on a Course for Your Child by completing the Enrolment Process on Our Website, accessed via the Link in Your Enrolment Letter. You will receive an Enrolment Letter from Your Child’s School if Places are available.
3.2 If Your Child has a Place You will receive confirmation and full details of the Course in a Place Confirmation Email.
3.3 You will receive a Place Confirmation Email when payment has been received for your Child’s Place.
3.4 A Contract exists between Bayleaf Cookery Club and You for delivery of the Course to your Child when Payment has been received.
3.5 By completing the Payment or by Your Child attending a Session You accept these Terms and Conditions.
4. Allergies, Health & Accommodations
4.1 We accept Children on the assumption that they are in good health and it is Your responsibility to alert Us to any Medical Condition or Allergy suffered by your Child
4.2 It is Your responsibility to provide Us with complete, accurate and up to date Allergy and Medical Condition information for each Child attending the Course prior to the commencement of the Course or the commencement of the first Class following emergence of a new Allergy or Medical Condition. Every effort will be made to observe the Allergy and Medical Condition information provided but this cannot be guaranteed.
4.3 If Your Child has a known Allergy and/or Medical Condition for which they have medication, an effective quantity of that medication must be handed in to the school office in a bag with instructions at least one hour before the start of each Session to be attended by Your Child. Our Class Leader will collect the medication from the school office on arrival and will hand it back to You or Your representative on collection of the Child at the end of the Session. If this medication is not available from the school office before each Class Your Child will not be able to attend the Session that week and no refund will be given.
4.4 We cannot take Allergies, Medical Conditions or dietary requirements of non-attendees into account. We will only provide Replacement Ingredients for children who require them who are attending the Course.
4.5 If Your Child has one to one support during the school day You are responsible for notifying Us of that prior to the start of the Course in order that any necessary reasonable accommodations can be put in place.
4.6 Due to the practical nature of Bayleaf cookery classes Your Child has to be capable of following instructions and must have sufficient fine motor skills that they can complete the tasks required while needing only proportionate levels of assistance.
5. Refunds and Cancellations
5.1 We reserve the right to cancel a whole Course or Session without notice.
5.2 If We cancel a Course or Session for reasons other than those listed in section 5.9 below full refunds will be given unless a replacement Course or Session can be scheduled.
5.3 You may cancel your child’s Untaken Sessions at any time for any reason by emailing Notification of Cancellation to hello@bayleafcookeryschool.co.uk.
5.4 If Notification of Cancellation has not been received by email at hello@bayleafcookeryschool.co.uk no Withdrawal will be deemed to have taken place.
5.5 If the Place in the Untaken Sessions can be filled from the Waiting List a full refund of payments for Untaken Sessions minus a £10 admin fee will be paid.
5.6 If the Place in the Untaken Sessions cannot be filled from the Waiting List and the half-term point has not been passed a 50% refund of payment for Untaken Sessions minus a £10 administration fee will be paid.
5.7 If the Place in the Untaken Sessions cannot be filled from the Waiting List and the half-term point has been passed no refund will be given.
5.8 We will process any refund within 28 days of notifying You that We are issuing You the refund.
5.9 If any Session cannot be run due to the compulsory closure of premises by order of a competent authority (eg School, Local Authority, Environmental Health Etc), due to bad weather (e.g. Snow, Ice, Flood etc), outbreak of a human infectious or contagious condition (eg Influenza, Meningitis, COVID-19), Industrial Action (teaching strike etc) or for any other reason, You will be liable for any fees due and no refunds will be given.
5.10 Sessions missed by Your Child will not be refunded.
6.0 Exclusion
6.1 We do our best to accommodate all Children however we reserve the right to exclude pupils from classes if their behaviour is unacceptably aggressive, disruptive, impolite or dangerous or if You pick them up late more than twice in one term. Our decision on exclusions is final.
6.2 If We have to exclude a pupil the fee for Untaken Sessions will be refunded minus a £15 administration fee.
7. Content
7.1 We reserve the right to alter, vary, omit or substitute any part or parts of any Session or Course described in any promotional or other materials published by us or on our behalf.
7.2 In the event of any change in any content as described above, we will have no liability to refund any part of any Payment.
8. Losses
8.1 We do not accept responsibility for any loss or expense due to circumstances beyond our control, including, but not limited to, delays in public transport, weather, quarantine, sickness, bereavement, strikes or other industrial action, terrorism, fire and riot.
8.2 Without prejudice to the other terms of this agreement, in no circumstances will We be liable for any:
a) economic losses (including, without limitation, loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings);
b) loss of goodwill or reputation;
c) any other special, indirect or consequential losses; or
d) loss to third parties.
9. Contact details
9.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that we have correct current contact details for You and all adults authorised to pick up your Child.
Inspiring cookery